Hello Friends! Thanks so much for stopping by and visiting my blog, Stock Picks Bob's Advice. As always, please remember to check with your professional investment advisors prior to making any investment decisions based on information on this website.
I have had a very busy Friday! After selling my 300 shares of Dynamic Materials (BOOM) that I bought yesterday (!), and selling a 1/6th position of my Ventana (VMSI) that hit a 90% appreciation point, this gave me "permission" to add a new position (being under my 25 position maximum).
Looking through the list of top % gainers I came across AngioDynamics (ANGO) a stock that I owned about 6 weeks ago, and had sold. The stock still met criteria, and deciding to give it another go (?), I bought 200 shares at $30.24. As I write, ANGO is trading at $31.00, up $2.84 or 10.09% on the day.
Anyhow, that's how it all worked out! Thanks so much for stopping by. If you have any comments or questions, please feel free to leave them on the blog or email me at bobsadviceforstocks@lycos.com. Please also be sure to visit my Stock Picks Bob's Advice Podcast Site where you can listen to me talk about many of the stocks I discuss on my blog.
If I get a chance, I shall try to write up something about this ANGO trade in greater detail this weekend.