Hello Friends! Thanks so much for stopping by and visiting my blog, Stock Picks Bob's Advice! As always, please remember that I am an amateur investor, so please remember to consult with your professional investment advisers prior to making any investment decisions based on information on this website.
I have been extremely quiet on this blog. For that I apologize to all of my readers.
However, there are times for activity and times for simply sitting quietly. I believe that we are in that latter period.
Certainly there is no uniform agreement on the proposed economic stimulus of President-elect Obama. Personally, I believe that government does indeed have a role in a fiscal stimulus of the beleaguered economy. Unfortunately, during the past eight years of relative economic stability, the current Administration has followed a 'supply-side' economic theory that utilized tax cuts without regards to expenditures to keep the economy moving. With this policy, the government changed a surplus to a massive deficit.
Now that we need to utilize deficits to stimulate the economy, we find ourselves already dealing with deficits that have been incurred in times of relative economic health. We likely need to push federal spending to get the economic recovery we all desire in spite of past deficits.
In the meantime, I continue to implement my strategy of monitoring my own holdings, using them as the indicators for future purchases and sales and the shifting between equities and cash. I also continue to monitor the top % gainers list--I should point out that rarely do I find stocks that appear to fit my own strategy, but yesterday did note that Chase (CCF) an old favorite of mine, and yet a stock that I do not own, made a nice move higher.
Otherwise, I am waiting patiently with much of my portfolio in cash and with my 6 positions being monitored closely.
I shall continue to keep you posted.
Yours in investing,