Hello Friends! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog, Stock Picks Bob's Advice. As you all probably know, and as I repeat many times, I am an AMATEUR investor, so please consult with your professional investment advisors to make sure that any investment ideas you come across here are appropriate, timely, and likely to be profitable for you! If you have any comments or questions, please either go ahead and post them right here on the blog, or email me at bobsadviceforstocks@lycos.com . I always like to hear from readers, and would love to hear from new readers and how they use the information I present. I am also interested in those readers from outside the United States and whether information and investing ideas are applicable to their own situation!

Taking a look at the "5-Yr Restated" financials at Morningstar.com, we can see that this company has no revenue in 2000, only $500,000 in revenue in 2001, and jumped to $35 million in revenue by 2003 with $55 million, as noted in the prior paragraph, estimated for 2004.
Morningstar.com does not show any earnings, but from the prior report, we can see that this company is profitable and growing. Free cash flow has been improving from $(1) million in 2001, $2 million in 2002, $14 million in 2003 and $15 million in the TTM.
The balance sheet as presented on Morningstar.com appears solid. There are $21 million in cash and $8.1 million in other current assets, plenty to cover both the $9.1 million in current liabilities and the $3.1 million in long-term liabilities more than two times over.

Yahoo reports no cash dividend and no stock dividend on record.
What about "technicals"? Looking at a Point & Figure chart from Stockcharts.com:
we can see that this stock appears to have been trading at about $12 in August, 2004, dropped to a support level of $9.00 later that month, and has just now been trading higher. Not much of a track record, but what is there looks good.
So what do I think? Well, this is a SMALL company and trades just over $10 making it a bit volatile...so be careful if you are 'weak at heart'. However, the recent earnings report is excellent, the earnings are growing solidly along with the revenue, free cash is improving and looks nice, the balance sheet is good, valuation is nice with a p/e in the low teens. However, no analysts are reporting making a PEG virtually impossible to estimate. And technically, although not a long period of time, the chart looks fine to me.
Unfortunately, I don't have any money to invest as I am waiting upon a sale of a portion of one of my existing holdings to justify adding a new position. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to email me at bobsadviceforstocks@lycos.com .