As I point out many times all over this website, I am an amateur investor and am not prepared to give individual stock market advice to individuals. However, there are many stock market ideas all through the blog that you can review with your investment advisors....and I am sure some will turn out to be great stocks over time.
However, more important than any picks, I want my readers to appreciate my techniques for picking stocks, and hopefully, they too will be able to pick stocks just as easily.
Xanthe wrote:
Hi Bob,
I have never purchased stock before but am very eager to do so in the near future. I admit that I am a little nervous in doing so because as you probably know stocks can be very unpredictable. Do you have any tips for me and can you reccomend any certain stocks to buy?
Thanks very much,
Well Xanthe, I hope that answers your question. My tips for you are to think well before buying any stocks, you can adopt my methodology....you can read my prior post...or take a look at the dozens of stocks listed here! Good luck and let me know what you decided to do!