Hello Friends! Thanks so much for stopping by and visiting my blog, Stock Picks Bob's Advice. As always please remember that I am an amateur investor, so please consult with your professional investment advisors prior to making any investment decisions based on information on this website!
I have been asked "How are you doing with your strategy?". Well, first of all, I can refer people to my current trading portfolio, but as far as how all of these "picks" are doing, I use this device, my "Weekend Review" to assess the progress or lack of progress in the stocks I have selected for this blog. As I always like to point out, this review is a little more than a year out at this point, and I try to let you know how those stocks are doing at this time. This evaluation assumes a "buy & hold" strategy, while in practice, I buy a stock and will sell quickly at an 8% loss, or sell parts of the holdings slowly as the stock price appreciates!
On December 8, 2003, I posted Armor Holdings (AH) on Stock Picks at a price of $26.35. AH closed on 1/28/05 at a price of $42.95, for a gain of $16.60 or 63%.
And how are they doing now?. Well, on October 29, 2004, AH announced 3rd quarter, 2004, results. Revenue for the quarter ended September 30, 2004, came in at $256.8 million, a 186.2% increase over last year's $90.9 million. Net income was $23.9 million or $.70/share, vs. last year's $6.1 million or $.22/diluted share.
On December 9, 2003, I posted Comtech Telecommunications (CMTL) on Stock Picks at a price of $30.89. CMTL closed at $32.48 on 1/28/05 for a gain of $1.59 or 5.1% since posting.
And how is CMTL doing? CMTL reported 1st quarter 2005 results on 12/7/04. For the three months ended October 31, 2003, net sales came in at $56.1 million down slightly from $56.3 million the prior year. However, net income was $7.1 million, or $.46/diluted share, an increase from the $5.7 million or $.37/diluted share the prior year. Overall, a mixed results; a slight decline in sales but a slight increase in earnings. I would rather see an increase in both!
These were the only two stocks posted that week. (I did a 're-post' of Polymedica (PLMD), but will not be including it in this discussion). So how did we do on these two stocks? In a word, great! AH was up an impressive 63%, and CMTL was up a more modest 5.1%, for an average appreciation of 34%.
Remember, that I AM an amateur, past performance is NO guarantee of future performance, and it "helps to be lucky"! If you have any questions, comments, or words of encouragement, please feel free to email me at bobsadviceforstocks@lycos.com.