Hello Friends! Thanks so much for stopping by and visiting my blog Stock Picks Bob's Advice! As always, please remember that I am an amateur investor, so please remember to consult with your professional investment advisers prior to making any investment decisions based on information on this website.
A few moments ago I sold 50 shares (1/6th of my 300 share holding) of Jones Soda (JSDA) at $24.52. The stock had hit my first 30% appreciation target yesterday but I was not aware of this until after the close of trading. (As I have indicated elsewhere, I am really pretty 'low-tech' about all of this and monitor my stocks and enter my trade orders manually). These shares were just purchased 3/12/07 with a cost basis of $18.22 so I had a realized gain on this sale of $6.30 or 34.6% on this trade. My next sale on the upside would be at a 60% gain or 1.6 x $18.22 = $29.16, at which time I would be selling 1/6th of 250 or 41 shares, or if the stock should decline, I shall sell all of my shares if the stock hits my purchase cost of $18.22. This doesn't change my outlook on this stock and....
Since I am now at 18 positions, this gives me a 'signal' to add a new position. I like to say that the nickel is burning a hole in my pocket already, but I shall be fairly busy during the day, so I don't know if I shall make a purchase or not. I shall keep you posted. Meanwhile, as always, I wish you the best of luck and a wonderful day.