Eric Cahoon writes a blog, Deep Market and has included an entry dated September 1st 2005 that is very kind and complimentary to this blog, Stock Picks Bob's Advice. I would simply like to say "Thank You!" for your kind plug. I haven't met you, but as an amateur investor, I appreciate your kind words. I work hard at explaining my thinking and if I have added some understanding to the world of investing, well that is about all I am about. And yes, you caught me getting behind at updating my other pages including my trading portfolio. I have a three day weekend, so maybe I can squeeze a few moments into updating the blog!
Eric writes:
There are a lot of stock market related blogs out there. I have looked at many of them and have been impressed with the effort that some people put into providing (potentially) valuable analysis for free. Of course, there are a lot of splogs - spam blogs - also. However, in looking through the universe of stock blogs, I found Stock Picks Bob’s Advice website. From what I can tell, it looks like Stock Picks Bob has been doing a great job documenting his ideas, background information, and charts since 2003. Golly, and what a history of postings to read through. Did I mention the pretty pictures? Not just the charts, but also nice photos.Thanks again.
I am guessing that Bob has an interest in Point and Figure charting - most of the charts I saw use P&F.
He also tracks his trades, but I don’t see an update since June 2005. If you have a question, Bob seems to be more than happy to provide answers - he has “A Reader Writes…” sections sprinkled liberally through his other postings. He begins his answers to questions with the following caveat:
As always, please remember that I am an amateur investor so please consult with your professional investment advisor prior to making any decisions based on information on this website.
Truer words have not been spoken, but I doubt most “professional investment advisors” would be willing to have their trading records in an open forum like Bob has his. In the world of brooding and negative blogs, Bob provides a useful and positive source of information.
I shall try to work hard to work up to your kind words of recommendation!