Hello Friends! Thanks so much for stopping by and visiting my blog, Stock Picks Bob's Advice. As always, please remember that I am an amateur investor, so please remember to consult with your professional investment advisors prior to making any investment decisions based on information on this website.

" BobFirst of all, thank you for writing! I am glad you appreciate my analysis. I confess, that my blog reflects my amateur status, it looks much like my desk at home :).
Thanks for analysis of your stocks one after another. I am glad you have had great returns on most of them. Can I request you to post all the stocks you have picked or holding them in one place and make available to your blog readers. Can you also suggest the stocks you have recently picked.
I am way behind keeping up with an index that I was manually compiling. In fact, when I want to know if I have written up a stock, I simply Google "Stock Picks xxxx" where XXXX represents the stock symbol. Generally that points me to the entry right away.
Insofar as my own trading portfolio, I spent a little time and just upgraded my previous summary. I put this in my Jubak's Refugee Site at MSN where I have been commenting on my own strategy.
Here is what I wrote this evening regarding my trading portfolio:
Sent: 4/9/2006 12:07 AMAnyway, I don't think I quite answered your request. Please recognize that I am an amateur and already spend way too many hours on this blog. If this becomes more successful, and I can get some advertising on the blog or other source of income, it might pay to address your concerns. Meanwhile, come back and visit often :), and browse through the blog using the "back" button.
Hello Jubak Refugees,
It has been a couple of months since my last update and I promised you that I would be letting you all know how my approach has been working. I continue to add $250 to my account monthly, still have margin interest to pay, and am withdrawing $550/month to purchase my personal car. In addition, I just sent in a request to pull off $5000 to fund this year's IRA contribution. So that will all affect the value of the account but not the unrealized and realized gains.
The account information is as of the close of trading Friday, April 7, 2006.
There are currently 20 positions in my account. My maximum number of holdings is still planned at 25.
The account net worth is $80,291.84. I have a 62.74% margin equity percentage; my margin securities market value is at $127,967.33, and my margin debit balance stands at $47,675.49.
Current positions (# shares, date of purchase, closing price, cost basis):
Barnes Group (B) (180 shares,2/16/06, $41.600, $39.15)
Dynamic Materials (BOOM) (200 shares, 12/5/06, $38.39, $28.32)
Coach (COH) (102 shares, 2/25/03, $35.35, $8.33)
Cytyc (CYTC) (225 shares, 1/29/04, $27.83, $14.86)
Genesco (GCO) (200 shares, 5/26/05, $41.33, $34.40)
Helix Energy Solutions (HELX) (142 shares, 11/3/04, $37.91, $19.10)
Hibbett Sporting Goods (HIBB) (84 shares, 3/6/03, $30.68, $6.50)
Healthways (HWAY) (128 shares, 6/18/04, $50.02, $23.53)
JLG Industries (JLG) (320 shares, 1/12/06, $30.56, $25.81)
Jos A Bank (JOSB) (187 shares, 4/4/05, $43.63, $25.59)
Kyphon (KYPH) (150 shares, 5/20/05, $38.70, $29.21)
Morningstar (MORN) (167 shares, 11/22/05, $43.03, $32.57)
Packeteer (PKTR) (400 shares, 1/27/06, $12.24, $11.94)
Quality Systems (QSII) (88 shares, 7/28/03, $30.73, $7.75)
ResMed (RMD) (180 shares, 2/24/05, $42.96, $29.87)
Starbucks (SBUX) (59 shares, 1/24/03, $37.86, $11.40)
SRA International (SRX) (320 shares, 2/1/05, $37.12, $29.82)
Sybron Dental (SYD) (113 shares, 11/18/03, $42.41, $25.84)
Meridian Bioscience (VIVO) (210 shares, 4/21/05, $26.97, $11.13)
Ventana Medical Systems (VMSI) (225 shares, 4/16/04, $42.11, $23.47)
Since 2/6/06, the following transactions have occurred:
On 2/7/06, I sold my 160 shares of FMC Technology (FTI), I sold 33 shares of Morningstar (MORN) on 2/16/06, and I received 37 shares of JOSB as part of a stock distribution on 2/16/06. On 3/2/06, I sold my 240 shares of AngioDynamics (ANGO) at $23.506. On 3/27/06 I received 44 shares of QSII as part of a stock split, and on 3/28/06, I received 160 shares of JLG also as part of a split of the stock. On 4/5/06, I sold my 180 shares of St. Jude Medical (STJ) at $36.23.
As of 4/7/06, the account has realized gains totalling $1,761.43, consisting of a net short-term loss of $(183.53) and a net long-term gain of $1,944.96.
The account has an unrealized gain totalling $43,461.95.
I hope this update is once again helpful, and if you are interested in reading more about the stocks I own and my investment philosophy, please feel free to come and visit my blog, Stock Picks Bob's Advice at https://bobsadviceforstocks.tripod.com/bobsadviceforstocks/