Hello Friends! The market ended up quite strong today...suggesting our impression that things were getting a bit oversold was on the mark. The rise enabled me to sell 50 shares of CLSR at $35.56, these shares had originally been purchased on 7/17/03 at $22.91...giving us about a 50% gain...a little shy of our goal of 60%...but close enough to work, and we sold 50 shares of MMSI at $29.02. These shares were initially purchased at $23.32, giving us a bit over a 25% gain or so...near our goal of 30% for the first 1/4 of shares.
Since I am working towards a 25 position portfolio, and the opportunity arose, I purchased 150 shares of Odyssey Healthcare Inc. (ODSY) at $35.49. I will discuss ODSY in a later note.
Again, as always, please discuss any of these "ideas" with your investment advisor as they may or may not be profitable investment moves and may or may not be appropriate for you! Regards!