Hello Friends! Well that nickel was just burning a hole in my pocket. With the sale of a portion of KNSY earlier today, that allows me per my strategy to add another position as I work towards my 25 position portfolio.
I came across Cantel (CMN) which I have reviewed elsewhere in the blog. CMN is having a nice day trading at $20.00, up $.84 on the day or 4.38%.
With that in mind, I picked up 300 shares this afternoon at an average price of $20.01. They reported great earnings results today, and hopefully, this stock will have enough price momentum to continue its upward trajectory!
Thanks so much for stopping by! Please remember that I am an AMATEUR investor and that you should consult with a PROFESSIONAL investment advisor before making any decisions based on information presented on this website.
If you have any questions, comments or words of encouragement, please feel free to email me at bobsadviceforstocks@lycos.com