Hello Friends! Thanks so much for stopping by and visiting my blog, Stock Picks Bob's Advice! As always, please remember that I am an amateur investor, so please remember to consult with your professional investment advisers prior to making any investment decisions based on information on this website.
I wanted to update all of you about my latest 'trade' in my investment account. While the bulk of my portfolio remains as what I refer to as a 'disciplined investment strategy' approach, I continue to reserve the right to dabble in what I would call ultra-short-term trades. I am utilizing essentially the same screening criteria to identify these stocks and am trying to learn about what works and what doesn't. (I am certainly getting experience in 'what doesn't' lately!)
Anyhow, checking the list of top % gainers on the NASDAQ I came across Synchronoss Technologies (SNCR) trading at $36.23 up $3.71 or 11.41% as I write. A few moments ago I purchased 600 shares of SNCR at a cost of $35.96. Let me explain this, and explain why
First of all the stock is showing strong daily momentum today. Looking at some fundamentals, the last quarter was exceptionally strong with revenue increasing 82% year-over year, and 10% sequentially. Net income was also up sharply coming in at $8 million vs. a little over $3 million last year. On a per share basis this was $.25/share up from $.10/share last year.
Longer-term, the Morningstar.com '5-Yr Restated' financials page is also quite strong. The only noticeable blemish was a slight dip in earnings last year which has been more than made up with the recent reports. Also, the company has been increasing its shares outstanding, but revenue and earnings growth far exceeds this dilution.
Finally, the chart from StockCharts.com is quite strong, although recently the stock has pulled back from highs near $49 in October, 2007, and dipped as low as $29 in November, 2007. Most recently, the stock has broken through resistance and appears to be moving higher once more.
Anyhow, I sensed the market firming after earlier weakness this morning and appeared to want to race into the close. I thought I would hop on with this stock which is worthy of consideration in its own right.
Thanks so much for dropping by! If you have any comments or questions, please feel free to leave them on the blog or email me at bobsadviceforstocks@lycos.com. Have a great weekend everyone and a Merry Christmas to all of my friends from this amateur investor in Wisconsin. May Santa bring you everything you have asked for; and may 2008 bring you everything you need and not necessarily everything you want.