"Looking Back A Year" A review of stock picks from the week of May 31, 2004

Hello Friends! Thanks so much for stopping by and visiting my blog,
Stock Picks Bob's Advice. As always, please remember that I am an amateur investor and you need to consult with your professional investment advisors prior to making any investment decisions based on information on this website.
I missed last weekend with my post, so I have fallen back another week in my trailing 52 week review. I am now up to about 60 weeks out. Anyhow, what I like to do on these weekend posts, is to examine how the stocks listed on this blog have performed since posting. Sort of a quality check you could say.
Again, this review assumes a buy and hold strategy. If you have been following my blog for awhile you will realize that I do
not use a buy and hold approach. I very much like to sell my losing stocks quickly, unloading them if I have an 8% loss, and sell my winning stocks slowly with 1/4 position sales at targeted gains.

On June 1, 2004, I
posted SRA International (SRX) on Stock Picks at a price of $41.80. SRX had a 2:1 split on 5/31/05, and thus my "pick price" was effectively $20.90. SRX closed at $37.20 on 7/29/05, for a gain of $16.30 or 78.0%. SRX is a stock that I do own in my trading portfolio, the only stock that I have a position of the three stocks that I am reviewing this week.

SRX is actually going to report earnings tomorrow, but since I am writing today, unfortunately I am stuck with the latest quarter which was the
3rd quarter 2005 fiscal report which was reported on May 2, 2005. During the quarter which ended March 31, 2005, revenue grew 41% to $226 million from $160 million the same period in 2004. Net income climbed 44% from $10.2 million to $14.7 million, and diluted earnings per share increased 41% from $.37/share to $.52/share in the latest quarter. In addition they raised guidance for fiscal 2005. All-in-all, everything that one would want to read from a company!

On June 2, 2004, I
posted Micronetics (NOIZ) on Stock Picks at a price of $9.33. NOIZ closed on 7/29/05 at $8.39 for a loss of $(.94)/share or (10.1)%.

On July 1, 2005, NOIZ
reported 4th quarter 2005 results. Revenue came in at $3.7 million, down (6.0)% from $3.95 million the prior year. Net income was also down slightly at $476,957 or $.11/share, from $480,275 or $.11/share the prior year.

Finally, on June 3, 2004, I
posted Bebe Stores (BEBE) on Stock Picks at a price of $21.17. BEBE split 3:2 on 12/30/04, and 3:2 again on 6/6/05 giving us an effective stock pick price of $9.41. BEBE 7/29/05 at $28.46 for a gain of $19.05 or 202.4%. This might be a good point to remind everyone that past performance is NEVER a guarantee of future performance. But that still was a pretty phenomenal performance for that stock pick and unfortunately, that was the one that I never bought any shares!

On April 21, 2005, BEBE announced
3rd quarter 2005 results. Net sales for the third quarter 2005 ended April 2, 2005, came in at $116.9 million, up 39.7% from $83.6 million reported in the third quarter of 2004. On top of this, BEBE reported that "same store sales" for the quarter came in at 28.5% which is a phenomenal result! Net earnings for the quarter climbed 103.7% to $11.1 million, compared to $5.5 million last year. Diluted earnings per share were up 100% to $.18, vs $.09/share last year. This was a great report and the stock price has performed in line with this!
So how did I do for the week of May 31, 2005, in "picking" stocks? Well pretty darn good if I may say so myself :). I had three stocks listed and two made great gains and one sold off. With the
huge gain in BEBE, the three stocks ended up with an average performance of a gain of 90.1% since posting last year. AGAIN, let me remind you that past performance is not a guarantee of future performance, but THAT was a pretty good week to review!
Thanks again for stopping by and visiting. If you have any comments or questions, please feel free to leave them right here on the blog or email me at bobsadviceforstocks@lycos.com.
Posted by bobsadviceforstocks at 12:36 PM CDT
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Updated: Wednesday, 24 August 2005 1:53 PM CDT